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You deserve a better you.

Dr. Jenny Marshall is a licensed clinical psychologist with years of experience who can connect with, understand, and help improve the mental health of individuals, couples, and families.

She helps clients improve their mental health and the overall well-being of themselves and their family members while navigating through challenges such as depression and anxiety, separation and divorce, chronic illness, generational conflict, domestic violence and abuse, relationship and sex issues, career and work stressors, trauma and PTSD recovery, grief, as well as bullying and social media shaming.

Areas of Specialization: Kids and Tweens

Building a Healthy Foundation to Last a Lifetime

Psychotherapy and counseling specialization

Kids and tweens benefit from Dr. Jenny's years of experience in psychotherapy and counseling. Dr. Jenny has helped children struggling at school, home, or with extracurricular activities. Whether your child requires help better-managing mental health challenges, improving communication skills, or dealing with the mental health challenges that often arise due to chronic illnesses such as Type 1 diabetes.

Areas of Specialization: Teens

Maintaining Mental Health During a Time of Transitions

Psychotherapy and counseling specialization

Teens face numerous challenges and transitions as they go from middle school to high school, high school to work or college, and leaving home to live on their own. Teens are also in a critical period of growth when many mental health challenges surface. If dealt with early, mental health challenges can be addressed with positive results. Dr. Jenny provides psychotherapy and counseling services addressing many of the critical issues impacting teen mental health.

Areas of Specialization: Families

Addressing Systemic Roadblocks

Psychotherapy and counseling specialization

Family systems often require work to improve the relationships for all members of the family. Dr. Jenny works with families as well as individual family members to improve the overall mental health of family members and better manage the many challenges life brings a family as children grow-up.

Areas of Specialization: Young Adults

Stepping into Adulthood with Greater Confidence and Wellness

Psychotherapy and counseling specialization

Young adults often find themselves stepping from childhood into being an adult without the communication skills, personal boundaries, or emotional understanding to thrive in an always-on world. Dr. Jenny helps young adults with psychotherapy and counseling services to better manage their mental health and make improvements to their lives.

Areas of Specialization: Adults

A Space to Make a Better You

Psychotherapy and counseling specialization

Adults benefit from psychotherapy and counseling services if they are willing to address the mental health challenges frustrating their goals and aspirations. Mental health challenges often impact interactions with others, impeding progress at work or home. Many of Dr. Jenny's clients have personal health issues such as infertility or a chronic illness such as cancer or Type 1 or 2 diabetes. In addition, major life events such as the loss of a family member, a new job, or divorce present mental health challenges for many.

(Preferred pronouns: She/Her)

About Dr. Jenny

Dr. Jenny Marshall, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist located in Southern California with offices in Laguna Beach and Newport Beach.

Her approach is interactive and collaborative, with an emphasis on building on strengths and skills that can translate into everyday life.

She provides in-person individual, family, and group psychotherapy and counseling services. In addition, she provides remote video psychotherapy and counseling services to individuals and families.

Dr. Jenny has extensive experience working with individuals coping with a chronic illness. She helps individuals, families, and groups reduce stressors related to chronic illness while improving their mental health. Her experience includes:

  • American Diabetes Association, Leadership Team, Behavioral Medicine and Psychology Interest Group
  • Doctoral research focused on helping individuals with Type 1 diabetes to reduce stressors related to diabetes and improve their mental health.
  • Collaboration with Children’s Hospital Los Angeles to establish Teen Power, a comprehensive and interdisciplinary program for adolescents with Type 1 diabetes.
  • She has Type 1 diabetes and personally relates to the challenges faced by individuals with a chronic illness.

Dr. Jenny has worked in diverse clinical settings, including research hospitals, public school systems as a psychological assistant, a counseling center dedicated to low-cost therapy of individuals, couples, families, and groups, and a mental health center for children suffering from issues related to trauma and sexual abuse.

The background, experience, and training of Dr. Jenny makes her uniquely positioned to help address the mental health challenges of kids and tweens, teenagers, young adults, adults, and families. Her clients have a broad range of mental health and life challenges such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, troubles establishing and maintaining friendships, drug and alcohol addictions, generational conflict, social media bullying and shaming, video game and mobile device usage, dating, marital and relationship conflicts, infidelity, separation and divorce, domestic violence and abuse, sex and sexual identity, school or work transitions, performance pressures at school, work, or sports, poor communication skills, PTSD, trauma, grief, chronic illnesses such as Type 1 diabetes, autoimmune disorders, or cancer, high-functioning autism, and problematic family systems.

Give yourself the care you need to achieve optimal mental health

In-person psychotherapy and counseling services offered in Laguna Beach or Newport Beach

Remote video-based services provided to any state supporting licensed clinical psychologists from the State of California

Individual, family, couples, and group sessions available in time slots ranging from 15 minute to 2+ hours

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